Darla Jackson Remembers
DarIa Jackson is a member of the Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho -- enrollment #590. Her parents are Geraldine Hayes and Charles H. Jackson. Her grand parents were Josephine Carter Hayes and Noah Hayes. Her great grandmother was Annie Hayes. Noah's mother was in the war of 1877 as a young girl. She was in the flight into Montana and then on into exile in Oklahoma as an orphan. Her father Rainbow (Wa chum yos) was a great scout for the Nez Perce and along with Five Wounds was killed at the Big Hole Battle.
The warrior, Shot in the Belly, was from her grandmother Josephine's side. This was Josephine's grandfather who was shot in the stomach, but he kept fighting the military soldiers while holding his intestines and parts of his stomach in his hands.
From her father's side, Charles, son of Andrew Jackson was the son of Emma Broncheau and who was the daughter of Agnes Moses. Agnes was the daughter of Tolo, who ran warning the settlers in the Slate Creek area of the impending war and brought reinforcements to the settlers. Tolo was the sister of Yellow Bull, who was also a great warrior who fought along side Joseph, Looking Glass, and the other Nez Perce.